Tender Support – Hudson Insight Roundup

17th July 2019

Tender Support Blog Roundup

Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 @ 11:46 am

So, if you’re on our Succeed Site, that probably means you’re looking, or are receiving, tender support of some form. Our blogs are specifically designed to provide guidance, hints and tips to those needing all types and levels of tender support. Whether you’ve never tendered before; have tendered before and aren’t seeing success; or are expanding your business through tendering at present, our expert consultants’ blogs will contain advice, direction and insider knowledge for you.

Check out the below summary to find out which of our most recent, highest-read blogs are pitched at the best level with the right tender support for you and your business.

Beginner: If you’re thinking to yourself:

  • “I’ve never tendered for work before.”
  • “I’m confused about tendering, what exactly is it?”
  • “How do I tender?”
  • “Where should I start?”

Then check out the following blogs for tender support and advice that is right for you:



Our Bid Expert

Should your business tender for work? Let Daniel guide you through the positives and pitfalls of taking your initial journey into the tendering and procurement industry. Here, Daniel will dispel some common myths about the procurement and tendering process and point you in the direction of our useful Discover platforms as a key initial step on your tendering journey.

Daniel Hall

Bid Writing for beginners Here, Emma covers the basics of bid writing, including why it is so important, the key things to understand and what you can reasonably expect to be involved in a submission. Emma guides you through the key skills you need to hone, in order to maximise your chances of tendering success as well as providing helpful tips on completing your first tender, key points of note before you start writing and how to moderate your style and approach depending on your intended audience.

Emma Nelson

What is a Tender Invitation Letter? In this blog, Ben introduces you to tender invitation letters and what to expect, providing you with the right tender support to help you understand what your invitation to tender might look like, the key elements to digest and what to do if you’re stuck. Ben helps you to cut through the maze of confusing information associated with a bid submission, hone in on the key elements and direct your focus toward the most important aspects of the invitation documents.

Ben Glaister

Our Succeed Team are here to provide you with dedicated tender support no matter how inexperienced you might be with the tendering process. Get in touch today to see how we can help you. And remember, no question is a silly question, we are here to address your concerns and guide you through the process!

Further Support

In the meantime, check out some of our amazing online content on Tender VLE, the UK’s first, free online tendering and procurement virtual-learning environment. Lots of our videos are designed to provide specific tender support to those who have never tendered before or have lots of questions about the process including: “Tender Ready”, and “To Bid or Not to Bid.”

Intermediate: If you’re thinking to yourself:

  • “I’ve tendered before, but have specific questions.”
  • “Why am I not seeing tendering success?”
  • “Where should I direct my focus?”



Our Bid Expert

RFPs, RFQs and RFIs – A guide to requests


Jack guides those who have some experience with the basics of tendering through more sector and industry-specific acronyms and terminology. Jack covers a selection of the different types of tenders that are most commonly seen in different industries, what to expect from each of these and key hints and tips to make for a winning submission.

Jack Grayson

Getting Organised – Breaking down your Tender Documents


“Where to begin” – a question even procurement experts ask themselves when faced with a complex range of documents and requirements involved in a tender. In this blog, Emma will cover the key things to look out for in order to sharpen your abilities to break down documents, requirements and questions more effectively to push for tendering success. Emma also outlined some helpful hints and handy tips that often go overlooked by many bidders, even those with significant experience in the tendering and procurement process.

Emma Nelson

Tendering Support for SMEs


Nick outlines some key considerations for SMEs who are looking to tender for working, covering such topics as: Where to find the right opportunities; the types of opportunities that are out there and which might be the most appropriate; the importance of increasing the sustainability of your income streams through tendering.

Nick Eyley

Even if you’re already tendering, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Succeed Team for some expert tender support. Our team of procurement experts are here to guide you through the minefield of tendering, to answer your burning questions, provide you with a useful second pair of eyes and to help you get to grips with the finer details and nuances that will make your submission stand out.

Further Support

To help you develop more intermediate to advanced level practical knowledge about what to include in your bid, how to manage the submission and how to make sure your submission is the winning one, you can also check out Tender VLE and such videos as: “Time Management,” “Case Studies” and “Policies and Procedures.”

Advanced: If you’re thinking to yourself:

  • “I’d like to refine my tendering skills.”
  • “I’d like to make sure I’m ticking every box in my submission.”
  • “How can I make sure my submission stands out?”



Our Bid Expert

Pricing vs Quality – what’s more important? In this blog, Ben takes you on a journey through the fundamentals of typical tender evaluation matrices to help direct and inform your response efforts. Ben guides you through the different evaluation elements such as pricing, quality, technical ability and how to focus and structure your response accordingly, as well as providing an outline of typical assessment procedures.

Ben Glaister

Sit Down with our Bid Manager, Nick Eyley Dan sits down with one of our Bid Managers, Nick. Nick shares some insider knowledge from his 10 years of procurement expertise including the key things buyers look for in a technical response, how to tackle complex questions, how to look at responses from a buyer’s perspective and tips for ensuring your answer relates to the specification.

Daniel Hall and Nick Eyley

Tender Trends – Public Vs Private Sector For those who are more accustomed to the tender process and what it involves, Jack outlines key trends and important considerations in the public and private sectors and how these are reflected in the tendering and procurement process as well as the advantages and disadvantages that come along with this, as well as sharing some insightful conclusions of considerations you need to be aware of when switching between public and private sector bidding.

Jack Grayson

If you’re accustomed to tendering but would like some expert guidance, or don’t have time to tender and would like us to take the process off your hands altogether with our bid management services contact our Succeed Team today for some dedicated and bespoke tender support. See how our team of tender consultants can help you tender for contracts today by providing essential tender support dedicated to the needs and challenges of your business.

Further Support

You can also check out Tender VLE for free advice and guidance on key aspects of tendering, types of tender and tips to help you overcome common errors and make sure your tender is tip top! Check out videos such as: “Clarification Questions,” “Dynamic Purchasing Systems” and “Framework Agreements.”

Find more helpful tips and advice in our blogs. We cover topics including:

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A Bid Writer


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